Home Infinite HUB 4 Ways to Maintain Focus on Your Passion Projects Despite Your Busy Schedule

4 Ways to Maintain Focus on Your Passion Projects Despite Your Busy Schedule

Have you ever had a creative idea for something you could be enthusiastic about? The majority of people have, and you might have once or twice in your life. Keep these four factors in mind when coming up with ideas for your passion project..


Have you ever had a creative idea for something you could be enthusiastic about? The majority of people have, and you might have once or twice in your life. Unfortunately, we are faced with the challenge of having limited time to complete it when we start to consider embarking on a concept and turning it into a passion project. There are simply too many tasks to complete and not enough time to complete them.

What about your obligations to your job, loved ones, friends, sleep, eat, and other activities? Where will the time come from to complete this project? We must first define a passion project before we can decide how to handle the activity side of the time management equation.

A Passion Project: What Is It?
A passion project is something you want to accomplish for curiosity and enjoyment and to create impact rather than necessarily for money or profit. The beautiful thing about passion projects is that they foster your creativity and skill development. You have something to look forward to from them, and you almost always experience the joy of fulfillment.

A Few Project Ideas Are Provided Below That Might Spark Your Creativity:

  • Building a model railway in your attic
  • Learning to dance so you can perform at an event
  • Rebuilding an old car
  • Writing a book
  • Landscaping your garden or backyard
  • Becoming a beekeeper
  • Repairing an old cuckoo clock
  • Creating your family tree
  • Creating a movie from your last family holiday
  • Learning to cook, paint, draw, and makes things with leather, ADD YOU PASSION PROJECT

The options are endless. So, the question is: What would you really like to attempt but have never given it any thought?

Starting a passion project: What do I do?
The time management equation has two components: time and activity. The issue is that the time component of the equation is unchangeable and fixed. We can only accomplish so much in a day because there are only 24 hours in it. We must cram everything in or it will overlap the next day, leaving our tasks unfulfilled.

However, the good news is that you can modify the activity component of the equation. We can concentrate there and have more freedom to fit it into our schedule.

  1. Envision to see your project come to completion.
    The next stage is to make a commitment to yourself when you have made up your mind about what you want to do and considered how you will go about achieving it. Make a promise to yourself that you will see this project through to completion, no matter what it takes.

That mindset will be the source of everything. Without that, the moment things get challenging, you’ll give up. But everything that is worthwhile in life is not always easy.

You will get stung if your life’s work is to become a beekeeper, and that is not a fun experience. In addition, you’ll probably lose a hive.
These setbacks can be frustrating, but the important thing is to remember that you will continue through those trying and unpleasant times no matter what. Be ready for the worst outcomes and consider them learning opportunities.

For instance, the majority of beekeepers are stung as a result of failing to completely close their cover-alls. Beekeepers with experience will assure you that you will only make that error once. See? You must first encounter something in order to have experience with it.

  1. Establish a Short-Term, Achievable Goal
    The risk with starting a passion project is that you might not have an end goal in mind. The possibility exists that you will gradually stop making progress on this unfinished endeavor. Here, having a concrete, short-term objective in mind will be beneficial.

As an illustration, consider refurbishing an antique vintage car. You could decide to strip the automobile of all removable components at the end of the summer for something like this. Once that’s been accomplished, you can view the original chassis and choose the following objective. For example, you might learn how to disassemble an engine or weld.

As you achieve each target, your motivation and resolve to finish the project will increase. The following action is all that needs to be considered. Make that your objective and give it a due date.

For instance, learning to sew clothing can have as its short-term objective discovering how to sew a t-shirt. A more difficult objective may be to knit a short-sleeved jumper. You will continue to feel inspired to move on and learn new things as you accomplish each objective. You’ll quickly realize that you are so adept that you are already managing a small workshop.

Setting these short-term goals is fantastic since you can develop new talents while pursuing them. Setting these short-term goals is fantastic because as you work to achieve the goal, you gain new abilities and procedures that will aid in accomplishing the following goal.

  1. The Time Dilemma
    The hardest aspect of working on passion projects may be this.

You will need time to accomplish all of your life’s goals. That cannot be avoided. These cannot be left to chance. Time will always be filled by something; if you’re not working on your dream project, you’re probably doing something else. Of course, it’s possible that one of those options is productive.

Consider the time this way: every two hours you spend watching TV, you could have been working on your passion project. Similarly to this, every hour you spend on a Sunday morning in bed is an hour you did not work on your passion project.

If building model airplanes is your passion, there will always be time for other activities. You must allow the glue or paint to dry after assembling the airframe or painting the fuselage. You can then relax.

Finding precise schedules for particular occasions in your life is the idea behind blocking time. You must look at your calendar and save time for this. For instance, it might be:

  • Date night with your partner
  • Time spent with your kids
  • Exercise
  • Watching your favorite TV shows
  • Your passion project

You must schedule five hours of exercise time each week if you want to work out five times a week. Every weeknight from 6 to 7 o’clock can be set aside for exercise. Equally, you must schedule time on your calendar to focus on your passion project if you want to see progress on it.

It might happen every Saturday morning or every Tuesday and Thursday evening. Fix it once you’ve chosen a time to start working on your project. Declare to everyone that you will not be available at that time. You have that period to work on your undertaking.

  1. Plan Your Actions/Steps 
    Break the steps of your passion project down into milestones. You must follow certain actions if you want to achieve a particular objective. Nothing can be completed in a single trip.

We must pass each level in order to graduate from school. Before we can ever consider becoming the CEO at work, we must begin at the bottom. It’s comparable to working on a passion project.

Making plans can be the first step in your passion project, which is to landscape your garden. You will have reached the first milestone once the plans are finished. The following stage might be to divide your yard into sections and remove everything you desire to. You can proceed to the following step once the garden has been stripped and is prepared for labor.

This kind of project breakdown gives you inspiration. There is a realistic schedule and development that may be seen. You can select the next milestone once each one has been reached. You will need to know the changing seasons and when it is best to grow your plants if you want to do something like landscape your garden. For the spring planting season, you may spend the winter months constructing patios and walls.

Satisfaction and Enjoyment
You want to work on a passion project because you know you will enjoy it. It gives you a break from your routine. It ought to be calming, enjoyable, and satisfying. Find anything else that can offer you those feelings if it is not.

Celebrate your achievements as you gaze both forward and backward toward your milestones!

Final Reflections
Keep these four factors in mind when coming up with ideas for your passion project. Always divide your time appropriately to make working on your passion project more fun. 

Your daily life will become more colorful and you’ll be able to relax after a stressful day if you have a passion project. However, this does not imply that you should disregard the other aspects of your life. We must take care of our families, friends, work, and other responsibilities.

When working on a passion project, time would be the most crucial factor to take into account. Since we are powerless to alter that, the action on the management equation needs to change. There are certainly other things we might consider a passion project and they can still provide the same fulfillment and relaxation we get from our passion projects.

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